Quick Start

In this section, we will explain the necessary steps to quickly start using ZonWizard.

Connect Seller Account

If you haven't yet connected your seller account (Amazon or eBay), access the section User Menu >> Integrations.

In the dropdown menu of the “Connect Amazon" or "Connect eBay” button, select your main marketplace.

You will be redirected to the marketplace site where you will need to log in and accept the necessary conditions to allow ZonWizard to access your sales data.

Once you have accepted the conditions, you will be redirected back to ZonWizard where your integration will appear as “connected” and, if necessary, the synchronization of your sales data will be started.

Profile Settings

Profile settings are requested during the guided setup after subscribing. If you followed the setup procedure, you should already have entered the settings. In the following paragraphs, we will see how to verify or modify the entered information.

Company Information

Access the section "User Menu >> Profile” and verify the correctness of the company information.

Email Preferences

Access the section "User Menu >> Profile” and verify the email notification preferences to receive important alerts in your email inbox.

Accounting Tool Settings

To ensure that the Accounting tool can accurately perform the accounting calculations, make sure the following settings are correct.

OSS Settings

Access the section "User Menu >> Profile” and verify that you have correctly indicated the registration date for the OSS regime.

Foreign Tax Positions

Access the section "User Menu >> Profile” and verify that you have entered the foreign tax positions opened in each European country.

Profit Tool Settings

To ensure that the Profit tool can accurately calculate profits, make sure the following settings are filled out correctly.

Assignment of Product Purchase Cost

To set the unit cost of a product, you will need to access the Profit >> Products section and assign the purchase cost of the product so that ZonWizard can calculate profit margins.

The same operation can be done in bulk using an Excel template, allowing you to configure many products with a single upload. In the Profit >> Massive Upload section, you can set the costs of your products' stock in bulk.

Alternatively, if you prefer to specify the unit cost directly without specifying stock information for the products, you can do so by uploading unit costs massively.

Assignment of FBM Shipping Costs

If you use your own warehouse for shipping to customers, you will need to specify the costs of shipping to end customers so that ZonWizard can calculate profit margins on seller-handled shipments.

You can set a generic FBM shipping cost for each marketplace where you sell products by accessing the Profit >> Settings section and assigning the FBM shipping costs.

It is also possible to specify the shipping cost for a single product by going to the product detail tab and assigning the FBM shipping cost for that product.

This latter operation can be done in bulk through an Excel template, allowing you to configure the shipping cost for many products with a single upload. You can do this from the Profit >> Massive Upload section by uploading the FBM shipping costs of products.

Analytics Tool Settings

To ensure that the Analytics tool can alert you of the need to reorder your products and provide suggestions on batch quantities, make sure that the following settings are configured correctly.

Restock Time

The restock time indicates the number of days between an order to the supplier and the arrival of products at the warehouse. Setting the replenishment lead time of the products will allow ZonWizard to alert you in time of the need to reorder products.

To set a unique restock time for all products, access the Analytics >> Settings section and assign a unique restock time.

If you want to set a specific number of days for a single product, you can do so from the Inventory Details tab and indicate the restock time.

This latter operation can be done in bulk in the Analytics >> Massive Upload section and perform the massive upload of restock times.

Optimal Stock Coefficients

Access the Analytics >> Settings section and set the coefficients for calculating optimal stock.

Last updated