Refund Claims
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You can access this section from the left menu Analytics >> Refunds.
In this section, you can monitor products missing from your inventory and request refunds from Amazon in a guided and automated manner.
You can also track the progress of open cases for refund claims.
Here you can view the list of products for which missing units have been identified and need to be refunded.
The table shows the following information for each product:
Product: Hovering over the image with the mouse cursor displays ASIN, SKU, and name.
Missing | Claimed: The missing units identified to date and the units awaiting refund for which a case has already been opened.
Refundable: Estimated reference amount that Amazon should refund for all missing units. The amount is estimated based on the last selling price, if available, or alternatively, on the product's purchase cost indicated by the user in the Profit tool.
Actions: Here, you can see a red button to start the claim procedure, or, if a case has already been opened, the link to view it in the Seller Central case log.
The missing units are divided by type:
Lost (in Amazon's logistics)
Damaged (by Amazon's logistics)
Inbound (from inbound shipments to FBA warehouses)
Not Returned (by customers who received a refund)
Once refund claims are made, the cases will appear in the right-hand list.
From here, you can easily monitor the status of the claims:
Yellow: Case open pending refund.
Green: Case closed and fully refunded.
Gray: Case closed without refund.
By clicking on the "Case ID", you are redirected directly to the case log in Seller Central, while clicking on the icon next to individual products allows you to download documents with details of the missing units.
The refunded amount for each case is indicated in the "Refunded" column, while the total amount refunded for all cases opened via ZonWizard is reported above the table.
In the “Actions” column, clicking on the trash bin icon deletes a case that was opened by mistake or incorrectly. By doing this, ZonWizard returns to the previous state as if the case had never been created.
The software monitors refunds received after the case is opened, and if a refund is obtained for all products within the request, the case is automatically closed by the system. Alternatively, the user can decide, based on the responses received from Amazon support, to close a case before receiving a refund for all requested units. This action is performed by clicking on the X, and by doing so, the case is closed and all products in the request are no longer considered missing.
Using the search field in the top bar, you can locate products in the list.
You can search based on:
Short Name (assigned by the user)
Using the selection bar, you can choose to display only missing products of the following types:
To Claim
Not Returned
Clicking the “Claim” button starts the 3-step process to open a case.
In the first step, you can download an Excel report containing a summary of missing units and details of the reasons. We recommend downloading these documents as they may be required by Amazon for case resolution.
Once the files are downloaded, you can proceed to the next step by clicking the “Next” button.
The second step provides the template to use as a description of the issue when opening the case. By using the “Open Case on Seller Central” button, you can directly open the seller help page where you can paste the description of the problem. Amazon offers quick resolution options that vary according to the type of missing products.
The procedure provides guidance on which options to select to reach a resolution as quickly as possible.
If an email contact is requested at the end of the procedure, it is advisable to attach the previously downloaded Excel document.
After completing the steps to open the case in Seller Central, you can proceed to the final step on ZonWizard.
You need to copy the case ID, assigned by Amazon for the newly opened case, from Seller Central and paste it onto ZonWizard and click the “Save” button. This allows the software to track the subsequent refunds issued by Amazon and monitor the progress of the case.